#Selected Before Elected! #Election2016 #WordUp

Let's take a moment...(pause)..........and realize that we are being played to think that anyone else so called running for President has a chance to win. Each President of the United States have always been selected since the 9th President George Washington was appointed in 17.......! There is a winner and she knows who she is. The media is getting everyone turnt up on what this carson say's or what the trump card reveals.........all complete distractions. No one has the power to tell you whom to vote for or not. Resesarch has proven that every four years the ''American'' people get mind fucked everytime believing that the next one will do more than the last. Also in closing.....a majority of people can't even vote until any sitting President signs a particular document stating that they can.......Think, Laugh, Study & Enjoy Life!


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