Reaction To Kobe Bryant's Comments about Defense based on RACE!

We are all entitled to give our opinion about whatever subject is put before us......but sometimes it may be beneficial to leave words unspoken. In our opinion ''WE'' as copper colored AMERICANS/AMAIRICANS are not in the position to not run to the DEFENSE of our People. FunkBuzzer doesn't play the BRAND GAME...Negro,Black,AFRICAN-AMERICAN,Soul Brothers:) (we can't be from two continents anyways.) and if we we're? why aren't WE deported BACK 2 AFRICA. This is Northwest Amexem/Morocco we are standing upon.... these are FACTS as well so if U would to sit  and listen 2 these facts that exist, would be SUPERB!! FunkBuzzer totally appreciates a athlete/celebrity for standing 4 what he or she believes rather than being another CAN on the assembly line. It let's FunkBuzzer know that Kobe has plenty of depth beyond the court and is willing to stand in position aganist the bullshit.....The Trayvon Martin Case!! No need for over reaction......let's just look at the hard cold facts and assert ourselves objectively.............then....come to the defense of those who are the same as you because we have not progress enuff as a society CAUSE we did Trayvon would be at home with his family today....but....when a check buys not only your sweat, blood and tears, it also buys the distance between those who look like us and draws one closer to those whom don't. We can agree to disagree though ...the comment by bryant was made very clear :)


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